Otohits best site to bring in thousands of visitors a day to your website or blog, the site gives visitors compared to visit other sites by downloading Otohits program, or you can upgrade your account, and this paid membership is characterized by the possibility of determining the source to make the visits show like if is from facebook , google, youtube ..Otohits give you more than 20 link and you can work on it and make money from your website or blog with otohits ,by puting ads in your site or blog ,from sites & the companies who pay for CPM and CPC, and the most important of this sites propellerads , a-ads. Or can be used to increase your profits in the shortcut links site like adyoume .. features as easily as full. The way the program works is very easy all he has left runs to win points and turned then to visits to the links, and of course everything that you have more points than all you got more visits and if you have RPD or VPS you will leave the program working all thetime , and I would recommend to register in aws Amazon VPS for a full year free of charge.
Features Otohits
- Identify the source referrer and won 10% of the registered points through you
- Appearing on either the browser or the program
- Determine your browser
- Clicking on ads
- Move the page down to show all of the ads or carry charged as well Page Visits best
- Select a Country
method of work
⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑ or through banner ⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑
In this box you will find three programs for download for both Windows and Linux, also for vps (sites does not appear on the surface on mode VPS)
first: After download the programe install it on your computer and log in with your e-mail and password that all for the program work, you will not need to do something else
Going to "my sites" and click add site and put your link.
1 - URL address or link.
2 - Category sets out if your site is serious and has no pop-up ads or breaked script.
This first not add Hide referer box but did Application only after you press the add the site
For the subsequent amendments and is to choose thesource and other Other "mysites" on the page heading into what looks like a screw and is represented in the settings
Now you can specify the source and other options Visits Throttling means to determine the number of visits 0 means limitless. Change the referer This is the task which determines the source site that you want to show it visits like twitter www.twitter.com writes as follows, not just "twitter"
To operate this property must be Application only activated and will only benefit then press add the rest is very important because it costs a lot of points and youwill not get many visits that I did it all like Geolocation countries and Page scroll to download the page and Clicks clicked on a particular link (not high clickthrough make that I did leave it in about 5% or less in order not to be attended by companies because they are more accountable for clicks)