Sunday, March 11, 2018

Coinpot best wallet and faucet to collect BTC and other cryptocurrency 5$ daily profit

Coinpot  is the best wallet and faucet for collection of betcoin and other cryptocurrency like: dash coin , litecoin , dugi coin .. It is through the partnership with specific sites that send you in your wallet coinpot your wining of cryptocurrency and of caurse you receives your profits immediately,( coinpot is similair to feaucethub , if you want know more about that click her )

 you sign up click  here . you can register in this site like any other site and you can frofet from this faucets it's easy like pic you sign up in this faucets with your mail with you have sign up in coinpot and for earn from faucets do as in this pectures below:


click ckaim now

entre the captch and after that click submit

congratulations you have win btc wait few minutes and claim again ( your earn was send imediatly to your wallet  BTC in your wallet in coinpot automatically)

In order to withdraw your profits on your wallet ,  after  collecting in the currencies at coinpot, link your wallet in   Blockchain  for betcoin and etherium with coinpot in sitting , and the gogechain for doge Coin, and  coinpayment  for all other currencies . 


 all faucets giving BTC:

First faucet  Moon Bitcoin

 Second faucet   Bit Fun

  Third faucet  Bonus Bitcoin

Here is the faucet that gives litecoin:

Fourth faucet  Moon Liteecoin

Here is the faucet that gives dogicoin:

The fifth tap  Moon Dogecoin

Here the faucet that gives Dash coin:

The six faucet  Moon Dash

Here faucet that gives you betcoin Cash:

Seventh tap  Moon Cash

Proof of withdrawal

The nice thing about this wallet it's that your earning was send immediate to coinpot and you can withdrawal from easly and the other thig that amazing is   you can swap or sell the currency you want from among the currencies on the site with the other members  and is a good way to collect your profits in one currency to withdraw after that.