Saturday, March 25, 2017

Best alternative to Adsense give 10€ at sign up and 10€ form each refferal

 today in this post i will talk about a French site alternative to Adsense , a site named CPMaffiliation . It's work like Google Adsens ; any that particular advertisers who pay money for each visit to their sites and publishers who place ads on their sites  in exchange for a certain amount for each thousand visit (that is what CPM mean) or for clicks on these ads . of course the site  will act as a mediator , and the important and beautiful think  that the site gives you € 10 gift Once you have registered and also  € 10 other when your referal request withdraw , and not mater if you have thousands referal you will get this bonus , so even if you just sign up in site and invet people to this site you will make money. and the best is this site accept views from traffic bot Trafficbot , Hitleap , Otohits , Rankboostup ...)  and traffic exchenge sites ( EasyHits4U Addmefast , Mezome , FollowFast ,LikesPlane ...)

Note: If you do not have site , do not worry  you can create free blog in a few minutes no matter how many topics you have , and they pays you through Paypal or Payza.


First : click  here  to sgin up

 Cpm Affiliation: the cpm advertising network

⇭⇭⇭⇭⇭ or click on banner ⇭⇭⇭⇭⇭

you entre you link website or blog and your email and password lik in picture 

 to invite peaple to CPMaffiliation you will found you link and banner like in this pic

  proof payment