Saturday, December 3, 2016

what is shoert URL? and how earn with sites shorut cut URL?

   URL shortening is the translation of a long Uniform Resource Locator URL into an abbreviated alternative that redirects to the longer URL.Short URLs are preferable for a number of reasons. Long URLs in email messages can break if they fail to wrap properly, long URLs in Twitter tweets can leave no room for a message to accompany it and long URLs in text messages can make the accompanying message difficult to read.

Shortcut links sites are sites is creating a small link leads to a long link. It lies the need for such sites in the fact that people do not like click on long links and also links long thing for taking a large area reverse this short links,These sites are divided into sites to shorten the normal links but do not earn them money and sites shorten links and earn money out of it and what concerns us here is the second part of any sites that make you win money, and certainly comes to your mind that question:  how this sites win money?  in order to make you win money.It's simply easy, when these sites shorted you links and you put it in your blog, for example,any visitor to this links waits 5 seconds before being transferred to the page that he want,waiting for such a short period that showed to him announcement to be accessed to move then to site he want. the shortcut links site for example won US $ 0.0080 in this action,you will win a part of this amount and if visiter are in one of the European countries or the United States or Canada the profit will is great.but if vister are in  Arab contry, will win less.But nevertheless it is a profit is good for you put you links and go, which would earn you money even after years as long as there are those who visit this link and you will not short single link or two, but hundreds or thousands of links and that will earn you a decent amount each month, and if you are active in Youtube Twitter Facebook. ..that will be great anr you will earn at least 5 to 20 $  per day and there are those who win more especially who bloging.

the most important current shortcutURL companies is linkbucks,, the most important ways to bring visitors to click on your shortcutURL is pressed shortcut link under your video  in youtube and it's wonderful about posting links to YouTube is that whenever Video are old,that increased forward step up his views and increased earn profits.

Important tips

  1. Selecting two or more sites  shorten links that will make your profitability a good, because the diversification of the short URL in your blog, for example, makes bigger profits But if the same person click on more than one link of yours in the same page it reduces your profits.
  2. Also of the most important ways to profit from your links is to put your short URL to links files that you downloaded in Upload sites either free software, game, application ...So you win from you short URL and also you win from your downloaded files,so you hit two birds with one stone.
  3. important think,do not cheat this sites,because they will discover if you click in you short URL several times in order to increase your profit,you  allowed only the first time in order to make sure that the link works,if you do that maney time you will be exposed to stop your account