Friday, January 15, 2016

The 10 sites to set up a Website for

Many of the pioneers of the Internet no doubt wish to establish a free site by the famous sites that always supports the development and especially regular and special updates or upgraded on a regular basis, and as you can imagine, there are a wide range of tools to create a Web site but the choice of the appropriate location that matches the desires always be the hardest part ... Although here of Web designers many who could help but Cullen that assistance will not be free of course and despite the fact that a lot of people do not have the skills and technical knowledge to create their own Web site, but there are a lot of sites that provide them with simple templates even if it were not up to the required in most cases to form but they do the job and the person then purely for appropriate and good templates that in recent years there is a lot of free good templates that can be downloaded from the Internet for free. For this Anyone who has an idea or a project wants to achieve Depending or an idea I advise him not hesitate and starts to set up a website or a blog and not worry of technical knowledge to install or add things or update to the site or blog that chosen,because there are a lot of explanations in vedio for how to do this and must not forget that a lot of professionals starting owners of large sites with little experience but with determination and certainty there websites became their check them good profits and visited by thousands and perhaps millions of people annually.

But when you want to involve yourself in the adventure of your website design, you will find a Web tool easy to use, because you initially may not know very well how to manage site the right way to increase Visitors physical and return to you and therefore I would advise you blog because it is easy to deal with blogs and then we can transmitted to the Web site,Though it does not differ much, but the tools are available for each of them different.

And purely about knowledge in programming and learning is a good thing it is to help you first to understand the composition of your blog or your website and also change some of the things that you do not like and add another see that your blog or your site is not available by ..but learn some knowledge of the HTML programming language that can be useful and necessary  simple knowledge about content management system (CMS) used in the structure of the back office and is now a common ... but fortunately today there are many tools on the Internet and do not require any grasp of HTML programming or other advanced programming languages ​​coding, but it It requires also a time to learn to use them and apply them properly and most of them is not free but fortunately what is free and must be purely by and large Whatever you choose free means or paid all these methods require time to learn it, and I wanted to shorten the time required the use services of perofessiona Designer  Site specifications that you want and provide the task and either could not that you have to behave, but the hard way as we mentioned learn simple things and start at the beginning and with time will develop your site free and you'll find that it's not as difficult as you imagine it.

Here are the top 10 best free sites to create a website of good quality professional, according to the latest rating by W3Techs, a service that provides information about the use of different types of technology on the Internet.

1. WordPress: 25% Of use and 58.7% usage share of CMS Market.

2. Joomla! 2.8% Of use and 6.6% usage share of CMS Market.

3. Drupal 2.1% Of use and 4.9% usage share of CMS Market.

4. Magento 1.2%  Of use and 2.9% usage share of CMS Market.

5. Blogger: 1.2%  used and 2.8% usage share of CMS Market.

6. Typo3 0.7%Of use  and 1.5% usage share of CMS Market.

7. Adobe Dreamwaever 0.6% Of use and 1.4% usage share of CMS Market.

8. PrestaShop 0.5% Of use and 1.3% usage share of CMS Market.

9. Bitrix: 0.5% Of use and 1.2% used usage share of CMS Market.

10. FrontPage: 0.4% Of use and 1.1% usage share of CMS market

It is worth mentioning that these some of this websites are also provide other services paid in order to get the  support of the designers, for example website joomla